Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Wednesday reflections

These last three days have been packed full of collaboration and learning.  Although I feel lucky to have the opportunity to work with my entire district this week, it is overwhelming to have so many different opinions, ideas, options and strategies coming at me at once.   I am finding myself struggling with how to absorb the diversity of information being offered.  In some ways it feels like I am at a restaurant with a large menu of options and I am not sure what to choose.  I want to try it all but I do not have enough room.  I look forward to taking time tomorrow to work with my team on the best menu items to choose.

A Wednesday Metaphor:

"My Wednesday MGI mind is like the 40 tabs open on Chrome- all good - just needs a bit of organizing and prioritizing"

"My brain hard drive needs to be defragged"  

Dwight P


  1. There certainly has been a lot of information and ideas flying about. I understand your metaphor, but have another one to consider. Instead of large number of menu items, what if instead you are a chef, with a large number of ingredients, which you can experiment with and construct meals (or middle grades education) that reflects not only the ingredients, but also your own knowledge, and the needs and wants of the students sitting at the table?

  2. Just close out some the excess tabs, Dwight! :)
