This morning I attended the workshop
about setting meaningful goals that are based on transferable skills.
This really helped me imagine how I'd like to roll out transferable
skills to kids in the beginning of the year and how I can help
students connect their goals to them. I really appreciate that Don
and Maura have both gone through this process with their classes and
they each chose different ways to implement the roll out. That's so
much of what this week has been about....seeing different ways to
approach the idea. At this point, I think I'd like to have kids
define and represent each skill (with each other) before selecting a
goal... I love the idea that these representations will be able to be
posted all over our school... including on our classroom blog. We
will be able to show photos or video of this work and post in the PLP
to use during our first student led conference in November.
Another part of their workshop I liked was that although they were working on the same concepts with kids their approach was different. I am deciding between approaching like you and Maura with discussing transferable skills before making goals or Don's approach with making goals and then seeing where they fit within the transferable skills. It may be interesting for us to both try a different strategy and see how it works out in our classrooms.