I also want to reflect on the fact that this is my 3rd day on the job. Wow, what an introduction! It has been a really awesome experience getting to know my new colleagues. I'm learning so much about PLPs but I'm also learning a lot about my teammates, the school culture, and collaboration. I'm excited about how well we're working together. We have an adventure ahead of us for sure, but at least I have some enjoyable company along the way.
Our team will utilize this Blog as a way to capture and share our collective work while we work towards implementing PLP's at our school.
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Thursday Reflection
Today felt really productive. We were able to create some important documents for our students to use when creating their PLP. I also really enjoyed exploring gamification of the classroom. It made me want to start designing a game for my program right now! Though maybe it just fed my own addiction to gaming. Either way, it's a great way to get kids engaged.
Working on understanding
Our strand time has been invaluable at setting the stage for our upcoming work on developing and implementing PLP's within our 5 and 6th grades. The focus on small step first seems to help with both purposeful and targeted planning on the first step - supporting a growth opportunity for further work on our PLPs implementation. The workshop have showcased opportunities that will enhance our ability to interact in a meaningful and engaging way with our students where learning is truly a shared venture. The appreciated the GBL workshop as it opened my mind to opportunities to engage students with purposeful design! Excited to see where this may go.
Day 4 reflections
This morning we got a chance to quietly reflect on all that we have heard and done this week. Although I did not do it quietly, it was important for me to talk with my colleagues about my frustrations and desires. After taking some time to release my worries I was able to step over the line (literally) to a spot where I could think about my hopes and dreams for this coming year. I am in a much better place than yesterday afternoon. Going through the process of frustration and worry was important for me to get to the spot I am now.
Along with finding myself in a more comfortable spot with our group work, I am finding myself learning more about myself as a learner. My co-teacher, Terry Hopper, is great at thinking about what is coming up and not worrying about what could happen. I have a habit of looking too far into the future and worrying about all of the things that could happen causing me to become overwhelmed. It is great to be able to reflect on this together and to discuss where each of our strengths and weaknesses are as a team. I feel lucky to work with someone who balances me out nicely.
Along with finding myself in a more comfortable spot with our group work, I am finding myself learning more about myself as a learner. My co-teacher, Terry Hopper, is great at thinking about what is coming up and not worrying about what could happen. I have a habit of looking too far into the future and worrying about all of the things that could happen causing me to become overwhelmed. It is great to be able to reflect on this together and to discuss where each of our strengths and weaknesses are as a team. I feel lucky to work with someone who balances me out nicely.
Thursday, June 25
This morning I attended the workshop
about setting meaningful goals that are based on transferable skills.
This really helped me imagine how I'd like to roll out transferable
skills to kids in the beginning of the year and how I can help
students connect their goals to them. I really appreciate that Don
and Maura have both gone through this process with their classes and
they each chose different ways to implement the roll out. That's so
much of what this week has been about....seeing different ways to
approach the idea. At this point, I think I'd like to have kids
define and represent each skill (with each other) before selecting a
goal... I love the idea that these representations will be able to be
posted all over our school... including on our classroom blog. We
will be able to show photos or video of this work and post in the PLP
to use during our first student led conference in November.
Critical Elements for PLP's
This is a link to a form that lists the "critical" elements that need to be included in PLP's in Vermont. A good resource when thinking about how to implement PLP's.
Reflecting on Reflection
I struggle with reflection. I get how valuable it is - necessary even, to growth but for some reason that eludes me, I have a difficult time actually DOING it. It seems to be the first thing to go when things get busy - how can I sit and reflect when there is so much to DO? And therein lies the answer - reflection should actually make the load lighter, not heavier. Reflection should be a process by which I can winnow out the tasks and concepts that are no longer necessary and find renewed focus on the ones that are relevant and will move me, and the kids and families I serve, forward.
Even in our morning session today, the time set aside for 30 minutes of self reflection was the first to go and to be replaced by team time - focused on aligning ourselves as a whole group and learning from each other.
We are all in this together and I think, in order for us to actually teach students to reflect thoughtfully - we might just have to learn to do it ourselves. And to find value in it. For real. Or it just isn't going to make it into my world except in a "check it off my list" kind of way.
And I guess the truth is that I want it to - I want to be more reflective/thoughtful in all aspects of my life and to find time/energy to make that happen.
Anyone else have this struggle? The magic answer?????
Even in our morning session today, the time set aside for 30 minutes of self reflection was the first to go and to be replaced by team time - focused on aligning ourselves as a whole group and learning from each other.
We are all in this together and I think, in order for us to actually teach students to reflect thoughtfully - we might just have to learn to do it ourselves. And to find value in it. For real. Or it just isn't going to make it into my world except in a "check it off my list" kind of way.
And I guess the truth is that I want it to - I want to be more reflective/thoughtful in all aspects of my life and to find time/energy to make that happen.
Anyone else have this struggle? The magic answer?????
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Wednesday reflections
These last three days have been packed full of collaboration and learning. Although I feel lucky to have the opportunity to work with my entire district this week, it is overwhelming to have so many different opinions, ideas, options and strategies coming at me at once. I am finding myself struggling with how to absorb the diversity of information being offered. In some ways it feels like I am at a restaurant with a large menu of options and I am not sure what to choose. I want to try it all but I do not have enough room. I look forward to taking time tomorrow to work with my team on the best menu items to choose.
A Wednesday Metaphor:
"My Wednesday MGI mind is like the 40 tabs open on Chrome- all good - just needs a bit of organizing and prioritizing"
"My brain hard drive needs to be defragged"
Dwight P
A Wednesday Metaphor:
"My Wednesday MGI mind is like the 40 tabs open on Chrome- all good - just needs a bit of organizing and prioritizing"
"My brain hard drive needs to be defragged"
Dwight P
We worked with some representatives from Fayston to flesh out our goals and the road map to get there.
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Tuesday End of Day Reflection
June 23, 2015
Today we discussed the parameters and philosophy behind PLPs and how Moretown will implement the system for grades 5 and 6. We created a timeline. Today we began our own Moretown School PLP template which led to more questions and conversations. We connected with Waitsfield and Fayston to collaborate and divide tasks. Moretown will work on developing kid-friendly language describing and relating to transferrable skills.
Today we discussed the parameters and philosophy behind PLPs and how Moretown will implement the system for grades 5 and 6. We created a timeline. Today we began our own Moretown School PLP template which led to more questions and conversations. We connected with Waitsfield and Fayston to collaborate and divide tasks. Moretown will work on developing kid-friendly language describing and relating to transferrable skills.
Moretown School 5th and 6th grade
Week draft Plan
Posted Goal progress updates with peers or adults
Posted Goal progress updates with peers or adults
School Year draft Plan
15-16 school year
Learning activities for students
Learning activities for adults
(1st day - Aug 25)
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Personalized learning vs personal learning as a teacher and learner
How do your goals fit into "personalized learning vs personal learning?
I find myself struggling with how to answer this question. When I think about personalized learning vs. personal learning I look at it through two different lenses, as a learner and as a teacher. As a learner I am being asked to work with my team to develop PLP's with students in my classroom. Although I am being asked to do a specific task it is being personalized for my group. As a teacher I am looking at my work this week in a different light. I am using this opportunity to become a better teacher with a focus on each student as an individual. I find a lot of my students are "doing" school because they need to, not because they want to. I am hoping that as a teacher I will understand how to change students' mindsets about school through personalizing their learning.
Professional Development to help teachers reach a "totally different skill set"
For teachers to gain the “totally different skill set,” there needs to be a support system available for teachers. With anything new, fear of failure is probably the biggest hurdle to overcome. To enable teachers to try something different, they need to feel that there is someone to help them along the way. Teachers and students need access to the tools and professionals that can help guide them to success. So the professional development needed would need to be a playground with appropriate support so teachers can play and have some think time to really start to feel comfortable. The PD needs to be ongoing and accessible online so teachers can get real time answers. Also teachers will learn as they go and this a good model for students to see real world learning.
What kind of PD is necessary for teachers to gain the “totally different skill set” (p. 24) that is required to facilitate a personalized learning environment?
will need to be able to get to know their students and what their
passions are to be able to have a solid starting point and to create
that true partnership between the teacher and the student. This is
self-directed and self selected learning. Teacher's will allow for
risk taking on both the part of the student and the teacher. With
personalized learning, there is no clear path to follow... “....be
comfortable with being uncomfortable”. I don't know what kind of
PD would be necessary – for me I will need time for dialogue with
colleagues and direct time with students.
How do your goals fit into “personalized learning” vs. “personal learning” (p.25)
goal, which is to explore how to best serve students with
disabilities and support them in their work with PLP's along with supporting the general education population, fits into
the concept of personalized learning because though I am at a
conference with a majority of general educators, I am going to need
to seek out expertise/knowledge/resources that pertain to my specific
need as a learning specialist. At the same time, I will also need
to keep in mind the “big picture” of personalized learning. I
will be learning how to apply larger ideas around self selection,
goal setting and “learning how to learn”, to my specific type of
teaching/student while still supporting students within the larger
sphere of their general education.
this context, I am also trying to fathom other big ideas such as:
do IEP's and the processes (both legal and best practices) fit into a
PLP philosophy/system? How can I support students/teachers in this
system and maintain my sanity/good humor?
can we approach the evaluation and program development of students
with learning challenges so that it seamlessly includes goals that
might have typically been isolated in an IEP? Is this possible? Is
it even preferable? How about legal?
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Personalized Learning Strand Topics - Do Not Delete
Growth and Reflection
- Who are we?
- Where are we on PLPs and proficiency based education?
- What do we need to know?
- Who are our partners to assist us designing and implementing this plan?
- What do we need from them?
- As you develop goals for the strand, and your vision for personal learning plans and curriculum, consider these standards. These support the development of student-centered educational experiences that align with the state of Vermont's move towards personalized and proficiency based learning.
Growth and Reflection
- What are goals and action steps in learning about and designing a PLP implementation plan?
- What changes do we need to make during our work at the Institute?
- How can we design an Action Research Project that will allow us to gather information to modify and revise our plan during the fall and beyond?
- What does the plan look like in phase two (after we have implemented the PLP process/cycle one full round)?
- What is that time frame for each cycle (each quarter, semester, year)?
- What does it look like for teachers and students in year two who have gone through the process already (is this a 1 year implementation plan (grade 7) , a two year plan (grades 7 & 8), a three year plan (grades 6-8) or a 4 year plan (grades 5-8)?
- How do proficiency based learning and assessments become a part of the PLP process?
- How do middle grades PLPs prepare students for learning opportunities (in and out of school) at the high school level?
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Technology Strand Proficiencies - Do Not Delete
ISTE Standards-T 1. Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments.
- a. Promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness
- b. Engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources
- c. Promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes
- d. Model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments
ISTE Standards-T 2. Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the Standards•S.
- a. Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity
- b. Develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress
- c. Customize and personalize learning activities to address students’ diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources
- d. Provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology standards, and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching
ISTE Standards-T 3. Model digital age work and learning Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society.
- a. Demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations
- b. Collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation
- c. Communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital age media and formats
- d. Model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning
ISTE Standards-T 4. Promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility Teachers understand local and global societal issues and responsibilities in an evolving digital culture and exhibit legal and ethical behavior in their professional practices.
- a. Advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources
- b. Address the diverse needs of all learners by using learner-centered strategies providing equitable access to appropriate digital tools and resources
- c. Promote and model digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information
- d. Develop and model cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with colleagues and students of other cultures using digital age communication and collaboration tools
Technology Strand Topics - Do Not Delete
- Family Involvement
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